Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar announced on Friday that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis, foodgrain production is anticipated to reach a record 144.52 million tonnes in the 2020-21 kharif season. Official data indicates that during the previous 2019-20 kharif season, foodgrain production stood at 143.38 million tonnes. The ongoing harvesting of kharif crops, with rice being the primary crop, is contributing to the positive outlook for foodgrain production.
Speaking at a digital conference organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Tomar expressed optimism, stating, “Foodgrain production will be better than last year. As per the initial estimates, foodgrain production is projected to be 144.52 million tonnes in the 2020-21 kharif season.” Additionally, he highlighted the expected good production of cash crops such as sugarcane and cotton.
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Tomar noted a remarkable 4.51% increase in the area sown with kharif crops this year, reaching 1,121.75 lakh hectares. Emphasizing the significance of agriculture to the Indian economy, he pointed out that the sector recorded a growth of 3.4% during the first quarter of the 2020-21 fiscal year, even as the overall economy experienced a decline in the same period.
Addressing the issue of new farm laws, Minister Tomar emphasized that farmers are being “misled” about the reforms. He reiterated the government’s commitment to continuing procurement at minimum support prices and the functioning of mandis (marketplaces) across the country.